
Contact us

Canada and United States

1 866 550-2444


Elsewhere in the world

514 370-2525

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Business hours

Call Centre

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST



3030 Le Carrefour Blvd, Suite 803
Laval (Quebec) H7T 2P5

Customer satisfaction

For SecuriGlobe, customer satisfaction is a priority. In order to allow us to better understand the needs of our clientele and to offer them quality services, SecuriGlobe invites you to share your comments or your dissatisfaction.

When should I get my insurance?

We strongly suggest purchasing coverage before departure. Even if some of our insurers agree to cover a trip that has already started, they could exclude any pre-existing medical condition, limit the amounts payable under your policy or impose a high deductible or co-insurance.

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